Dundee Sustainable Technologies announces cobalt testing
MONTREAL, QUEBEC, December 11, 2017 – Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc. (“DST or the Corporation”) (CSE: DST) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a technical services contract with eCobalt Solutions Inc. (“eCobalt”) (TSX: ECS) to assist in conducting detailed metallurgical testing and flowsheet design for the creation of a clean cobalt concentrate. If successful, the flowsheet could include DST’s arsenic vitrification technology as part of the overall plant design.
Mr. Brian Howlett, the President and CEO of the Corporation stated, “The Corporation looks forward to working with eCobalt on this important project. Success at a lab scale and flowsheet improvements for processing of cobalt mineralization could open valuable new markets for the Corporation proprietary arsenic technology. Clean cobalt concentrate represents a new opportunity for the Corporation’s arsenic technology beyond the gold and copper projects that we are pursuing.”
Additionally, the Corporation announces that Mr. Mark Goodman has retired from its Board of Directors. Mr. Goodman, currently the President of Dundee Corp, has served with distinction on DST’s board since May 23, 2013.
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