Press Releases

Dundee Sustainable Technologies Proceeds to Demonstration Phase with ENAMI Concentrate

May 31, 2016

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, May 31, 2016 – Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc. (“DST” or the “Corporation”) (CSE: DST) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Empresa Nacional de Minería, Chile (“ENAMI”) for the purchase of 125 tonnes of gold concentrate (the “Concentrate”) to be processed using DST’s gold extraction technology (the “Demonstration Phase”). This is part of a phased approach established between DST and ENAMI with the objective of implementing a commercial processing facility, utilizing DST’s patented technology, in Chile.

The Concentrate contains an estimated 115 g/tonne of gold, 9.0% copper and mercury content in excess of 600 g/tonne. This complex material is difficult to process using conventional processing methods without the associated environmental liabilities and metallurgical challenges. The Corporation was able, during its piloting campaign (Refer to September 23, 2015 and March 1, 2016 press releases), to removed 99.7% of the sulphide and 99.6% of the mercury content. The calcine material was then submitted to acid and water leaching where 99% of the copper was recovered as copper sulphate. DST’s chlorination process that followed achieved a gold recovery of 98.8% and a final gold deposition over silica recovery of 99.8%.

This is yet another step forward for the Corporation in its strategy for the commercialization of its technologies worldwide.

About ENAMI, a Chilean state-owned company

ENAMI’s mission is to promote the small and medium size private mining sector in Chile, by supplying technical, financial, metallurgical, production and trading services to small and medium size miners. ENAMI’s assets include one smelter, five processing plants and a network of technical support and facilities. ENAMI purchases ore and concentrate from producers in various purchasing agencies located throughout Chile.

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